Thursday, September 15, 2016

#34Before34 Part 1: The Challenge

Lately I have only been posting transcripts of some of  my online dating site conversations. I thought perhaps I should give an update on something more personal--especially something like this!

When August was almost over, I realized my birthday would be in a month. I usually do a lot of reflection in the weeks leading up to my birthday. At a quick glance, I could see that even though I have had another amazing year, I have also had some pretty tough things in the last 6 months--partly related to dating experiences, and partly related to my friends' dating experiences. I needed something that was going to keep me from staying home and moping or even just bemoaning. I remembered last year of hearing about a man who tried to do 30 dates before he turned 30. I felt prompted to give myself a similar challenge--34 dates before I turned 34. The biggest challenge: I didn't have a full month left to complete this! Oh well. Just attempting it would help me reach if not pass my general goal of one date a month. I also figured I would not limit myself to just dates, since I didn't think I could find 34 men willing to help in such a short  time--or even 10 men who would go on 3 dates each with me. Thus, I broadened my challenge to outings with girls, because I need some more sister friends, and wouldn't mind improving friendships with some of my current girlfriends.

I figured I should blog about some of my experiences, so you know that
1) I'm still getting out
2) I'm still learning
3) Not all of my experiences in my dating world are as bad, awful, frustrating, ridiculous as my recent posts (and experiences) have indicated.
4) I do know how to get out of my Comfort Zone (even if the last year's worth of blogging and 3 years worth of dating practice didn't already "prove" that).

Be ready. Because they are coming in future posts.

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