Friday, June 17, 2016

More Experiences, and What I am Learning

Persistent Men. Or so it seems, as none of them offering to become LDS have yet to respond back after I mention Heavenly Father and the Savior being a part of that whole LDS thing. This guy at least had a faith in the Savior.

Monday - 10:27pm
Him: Hello miss Beautiful​

Me: Hi

Him: How are you miss cutie​

Me: I am well. Getting ready to head to sleep

Him: Aww well I hope your day was as radiant and beautiful and your smile ​

Me: Thank you. Good night! Or whatever time it is there.

Him: No problem talk wen you up :) ​Of it's OK for you ​

Me: I guess we'll see if our schedules mesh!

Him: I will match that schedules for you ​

Me: OK, but you should probably know that I am ok with chatting, however I only date active LDS men because I would like to find my best friend and be sealed to them in the temple. I don't want to waste other men's time if they cannot offer that to me. Even if that is just through chatting.

Him: You would find me one of the best guys you met and LDS would work 

​Me: Except you drink. And you say being Christian is not important to you. It is hugely important to me and being LDS is an extreme life change. Plus, I don't date men who are investigating the Church because I want them to join because of their belief in and love of Heavenly Father and the Savior, and nothing to do with me.

Him: I mean I am christian but I would accept the lady of other religion and I Do believe in Lord Jesus Christ he is Everything for me ! ​

Me: Which is great. But only an LDS man can take me to the temple, and that is my goal. I want my marriage to be eternal. So I don't want to waste other men's time.

Him: I would take you where ever you want ! ​

Me: Well, you can start with this.
Enjoy! And good night!

Him: OK I will do it goodnight ​

I haven't heard from him since. Who knows--maybe he is actually investigating. Though I find it sketchy that all the ones ready to change their religion so easily because of me are from different countries....


At least the Greek Egyptian Christian Muslim man I had a date with last week (who in a roundabout way lied about being LDS) was upfront on looking in to the religion more, but forewarning me through his speech and actions that he was extremely open-minded. I got no sincerity from him in his honestly wanting to know about our religion. He was only interested in the fact that I also do not smoke, or drink, or have sexual relations outside of marriage. Which it is nice to actually be admired for the lifestyle I have chosen. But he did not care about the religion that influences my decisions in that.

And most importantly, he would not take any of my No's as answers about anything he was asking, including that I did not want to date him.

I stopped answering his messages--I am hoping that is the end of that. Though I did learn in this situation that I should have trusted my gut feeling, which turned out to be absolutely correct in this situation.


But we do have the men who graciously accept the boundary and standard I have given myself.

Him: Hey can we meet for lunch tomorrow? I like get to know you​

Me: I'm sorry. I only date active LDS men because I would like to find my best friend and be sealed to them in the temple. I don't want to waste other men's time if they cannot offer that to me. Thank you though.

Him: Good luck​

Me: Thank you. You, too.

I have so much more respect for them.


Or the ones who open either way, and upfront and cheerful and not as desperate sounding.

Him: Hey there. Going to be in _____ visiting family next week and I'm looking to have some fun during my trip. Thought you were gorgeous so I wanted to say hi. If you're interested, drop me a line but if not understand. Either way I hope you have a fantastic weekend!  Hope to hear from you soon. ​

Me: Hello. Thank you for the compliment. However, I am looking to meet active LDS men because I would like to find my best friend and be sealed to them in the temple. I don't want to waste other men's time if they cannot offer that to me. Thank you though. I hope you enjoy visiting _____. I am not from here, but I have come to love it.

Still keeps my respect.


Even the ones who are completely honest and upfront, like the guy who matched with me on Tinder.

Me: Hello! How was your weekend?

Him: My weekend was great. I'm an honest guy so I always play it straight. You're a beautiful girl! I use tinder for reasons that are so far beneath a girl like you. Is [I'd] never attempt or want to compromise you. I respect your values and wish you the best of luck there are so many dishonest lying creeps on here so please don't get yourself hurt.

Me: Thank you for your honesty and consideration. I really appreciate that. And I am doing my best to be careful on here. Thank you again.

So much of a difference when they aren't trying to take advantage of me, or not listen to me, or proclaim stuff they won't do.


For the last few months I have been on the most severe roller coaster in disappointment, frustration, and tiredness from online dating. But last Sunday in church, I was pondering what I am to be learning from this trial, as it is the main trial of my life right now (particularly the online dating portion of the Social Life/Dating Trial). And it came to me that I need to learn how to be more positive, more forward thinking, less discouraged, and less complain-y than I have been. Because I will endure so many other trials in my life, and I will need to know and apply these lessons there as well.

Thus I am trying to look at these little encounters and situations with gratitude and humor and positivity as much as I can. Always something to learn. Always something to gain. And I can do so cheerfully. So let's see how I do!

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