Him: Gurpreet this side. Wana have a word
Me: Sorry. I am only looking for LDS men.
Him: OK. I respect ur faith. But, if u think abt me then I m not here to change ur religion. U can keep ur religion for whole life staying with me in our house. I know how to respect others faith . Faith and life can go hand in hand. So, if u can also think like me and can think of Christ and a Sikh living under same roof. Then I m in.
Me: I'm sorry. The reason I only date LDS men is because I plan to be married in an LDS temple. Only an active and worthy LDS man can do that. I could never marry a man of a different religion because my religion is my most important thing in life and I must share that with the man I plan to spend life and eternity with.
Him: I m ready to marry in a Lds temple . Firstly we would marry in Sikh gurdwara then I will obey all religious rituals of ur community in ur temple. We would raise our children's in both Christians and sikhs. Now sayAnd I m not saying u to change ur religion. U can be in ur religion for ur entire life. I m not here to change anyones religion. It's just I like u at first instance .
Him: Can I expect any reply or u gonna again say I m sorry
Me: I'm sorry, but you are not ready to marry in an LDS temple if you are not LDS.
Me: I will only marry a man who is LDS. And only LDS, no other religion. And I will only marry in an LDS temple, no where else before.
Him: I m not Lds but can marry in lds temple because I believe God is one and exists in all temples
Me: That is not how LDS temples work. You have to be baptized in the LDS faith, and pass the worthiness interview, which refers to how well you are living the LDS religion. It is impossible for you to enter an LDS temple otherwise.So let us not waste each other's time. Thank you for your interest. I am flattered. But you will find success elsewhere.
Him: I m not looking for success. I m looking for love and my life partner. Ok I respect u . Thanks .. enjoy life.. but if u think my way.. I will be waiting for u ... because I think lds people r less in this world that's y still u r looking for one.. when someone is interested to join u in ur life, then also u won't let that happens. Ok fine .. have a lovely life.. my gates open
Me: There are 15 million + LDS people in the world. I am "still looking for one" because there were things I needed to take care of in my life before I was ready to truly search for my best friend. I will not be contacting you because I know want I want and you will never be able to offer that. Good luck in your search.
Him: Kindly clear me wht u want so that I can able to know if something can be changed in me then I will think .. but my views on religion are more liberal ... I believe many faiths can live under one roof because god makes many religion and when all r already living on this earth then y can't two people live peacefully
Him: I m not gonna interfere in ur religion and expects the same from u .. we r two souls first irrespective of religion. But if religions makes hiderence in this world the tell me how this world lives peacefully. Religion is for eternal peace and liberation of soul ... and it should not come in love of humans
Me: I know different religions can live under one roof. But I choose to marry a man who shares my same beliefs because it is the most important thing to me. I want a man who believes in our Savior Jesus Christ, and the Atonement he made as well as his Resurrection. I want a man who believes the same things about eternity and the life hereafter. I want a man who believes in modern prophets and follows their teachings. I want a man who knows, reads, believes, and loves the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and the Doctrine & Covenants. You can find out more about my religion's beliefs here: mormon.org.
Me: My religion is how and why I live my life. If my husband doesn't share that, it is too much strife and dissonance for me. That is why I choose a man with my same beliefs.
Me: Marriage is hard enough without sharing that extremely vital part of life.
Him: If I starts reading Bible then I m in ur life.
Me: And if I don't marry in the temple, then my marriage will not last beyond death. And to me, what is the point of that.
Me: No, you would have to do a lot more than just read the Bible.
Him: Wht
Me: Investigate the LDS faith. Read and pray about the Book of Mormon. Follow the teachings of ancient prophets as well as our prophets who live today. Honestly and sincerely accept the LDS principles for yourself and not because that is what I am looking for. Live those principles because you want to and love to. Be baptized into the LDS faith. Live the LDS faith. Become temple worthy.
Oh my goodness! Some guys just keep trying to force it! You did the right thing! :D
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